Thursday, August 25, 2011

Today is a day just like any other.

This morning I woke up and felt glorious.  I was aware that I had had several dreams during the night, and every single one of them was wonderful.  The people in my dreams loved me, and it seemed I could do no wrong.

With the morning air blowing in through my window, and the sun shining in just the perfect way, I decided to take that feeling of not being able to do any wrong with me throughout the day.  See, I am traditionally a bit of what's known as a whimp.  And not just any old whimp, I'm a perfectionist whimp.  Not only am I afraid to take chances, but that fear is perpetuated by another, still larger fear that says "Even if you tackle your fear, if you don't do it perfectly, and far better than anyone else has tackled their fears before, then you shouldn't even bother".  I need to overcome this, it really is a flaw in my character.  And on top of that, it's not very fun baggage to carry with me.

So, with today's feeling of not being able to do any wrong, I think I will look up some videos and teach myself how to knit.  Step one, I'm pretty sure, is finding my knitting needles I bought many moons ago when a friend was trying to teach me, just before I gave up. 

Today is August 25th, time to start making Christmas presents!

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