Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Simple joys: The new shower head.

A little over a year ago, my husband and I bought a darling little home with a bit of history to it.  We bought it from house flippers, who themselves had bought it from some house flippers, and we quickly realized that no person had actually lived in the home in quite some time.

This was fine by us, as it meant the house was pretty generic in its interior design, and we could simply infuse our character without having to overcome someone else'.  Of course, there were some downfalls to this, as in all the things the flippers did(and somehow thought were good ideas), that no actual human being would ever live with.

We moved in and quickly began a long list of things we wanted to change to make the house our home.  And, like most people, we got so caught up in the major things, the things that would take lots of time and money and know-how, the things we could not possibly do soon, that we fixated on these flaws and forgot all about the things that were simple and easy and could be changed in two minutes.

Two minutes.  That's literally how long it took us to change the shower head.  The teeny, tiny shower head that could not spit out a steady flow of water.  The shower head that, no matter how high you turned it on, would remain a mere trickle and not have the pressure to fall farther that the drain directly underneath it.

You see, I have always had this dream of turning my bathroom into a rain forest.  I mean it!  Even as a kid I would stand in  the shower and imagine that I was in the jungle, and the light coming through the widow was really diffused by tree branches and not that odd ripply glass that's supposed to keep people from being able to see you.

I suppose this is the main reason why, as a home owner free to do whatever I please, I painted my bathroom a relaxing yet rich green with white trim and put up a shower curtain with plants on it.  Not real plants of course, this is just the design.  Try to stay with me people.

Yes, the room looks enough like a rain forest, and yet, that sad shower head was never going to convince me it was an afternoon thunder storm. 

And then I found it.  It happened innocently enough, just meandering the aisles of Target.  There, a wall of sparkling new shower heads rose before me, and I knew that I was changed.  In the middle, surrounded by all this glory and splendor, as if the others got their glory and splendor from this particular shower head, was the EcoRain shower head.  Two of my favorite words, Eco and Rain.  This thing was huge, at least six times larger than my sad shower head, and it had the ability to save me money on my water bill, while making me feel like I was Eeyor with my own personal rain cloud over my head.  But in a good way.  Not in a "I lost my tail...thanks for noticing me" kind of way, but in a "I'm a rain goddess, listen to me sing that ahhh-ah-ahhh-AHHHH-ah-ahh-AHHHH song from Disney's 'The Little Mermaid' because that's how incredible this is" kind of way.

And it only took two minutes.  Oh that I would learn to focus on the improvements that only take two minutes and have the same ability to change my life as the improvements that take a lifetime.

There's a lesson in that.

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